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NZ Trip - Auckland, Day 8

Post written by Miki and Honza

On Monday 5th of February, we went to Auckland zoo, with a guide called Louise. We met in front of school at 9:30 and then we went to catch a bus to the zoo. When we arrived at the zoo, we were able to explore the zoo by ourselves. We started in a section of African animals, where we saw for example giraffes, lions or elephants (nothing, what we can't see in Prague also). Then we went to the animals from New Zealand, where we were supposed to see bird Kiwi. And yes, we saw a Kiwi, but it was impossible to take some good pictures, because [the] Kiwi is a nocturnal animal. Then we went to see animals from South America and Australia. Nothing special, just big tarantulas and very big alligators. We also had lunch in the zoo, but it was very expensive there. After our exploration of the zoo, we met in front of the zoo exit and finally we went to the souvenir shop. The souvenir shop was also expensive, but it was better than lunch prices. After shopping, we said bye to our guide Louise and we set out to school. In school we talked about many things, but at the end we [taught] Lianna (our teacher) some Czech words. It was very funny and Lianna was also very good at it. After school we just went to our homes. 

By Mikulas and Honza

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